Last week Slow Coach has a wardrobe malfunction episode. She has outgrown her old shell & while climbing out of her tub, 2 pieces of shell under her tummy just came off. Like snakes, tortoises also shed their old skin which is their shells at certain phases in their life. She last shed all her old set of shell pieces by pieces 3 years ago when she was 8 years old. It took her almost 2-3 years to completely shed off all her old shell. This is her second time. It started last week & will continue on for the next 1-2 years. This is why she enjoys a good scrub with the toothbrush as the scrubbings help loosen the dead skin/shell of her faster.
Looks like a pair of wings, eh? Now she is spotting 2 new pieces of light green shell at her underbelly.
Looks like a pair of wings, eh? Now she is spotting 2 new pieces of light green shell at her underbelly.
Give your tortoise a good rub today! =)