Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Charlie’s Wheezing

It’s been raining everyday in the evenings. Many days it rained in the afternoons and then it rained again in the evenings. Certainly cools the weather.

Slow Coach and Charlie love to play in the rain. When it rains both of them will walk around on the balcony under the rain. Slow Coach especially likes to stick her head into the water puddles and does her stunt of drinking water through her nose. Haha! They are not afraid of the thunders and lightning. The heavy raindrops falling onto their shells are like God’s way of giving them a good massage. They just love it.

However, Charlie is a little softie. He needs a lot of warmth after playing in the rain. Otherwise, he will catch a cold like today. He is wheezing like an asthmatic patient. Can you believe it? A tortoise wheezes. Oh, they fart too. A little bit of bubble popping sound in the water but no smell though. Haha! Just nice for you to know that too. =)

As there isn’t much sun these days and it rains everyday, the weather has been rather cold for Charlie. Tortoises are cold blooded animals; therefore they need external heat to keep themselves warm. So, tomorrow I will have to get Charlie to bask in the sun to dry his lungs.

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